4 Innovative Ways New Media Is Disrupting Healthcare

Healthcare is a global concern, of course. But in the U.S., it has taken on concerns that most of the rest of the world does not face – specifically cost. In fact, it now consumes close to 20% of the GDP. While politicians do not seem to be able to agree on any “fix” for the healthcare crisis, there is another movement afoot – the disruption of technology. And thanks to millennials’ tech savvy and preference for fast results, this new tech media will have major impact on healthcare delivery and, perhaps, on costs as well.

Here are the four innovations that we are currently experiencing and that will continue to alter the ways in which both providers and patients deliver and receive healthcare.

1. Cloud electronic records improve access to health information

Most providers have already instituted electronic medical records of their patients. While many are maintaining these in house, more and more physicians are participating in cloud technology.

This allows two things: First, patients, using secure passwords or key codes can access their own records and thus participate more in their own healthcare. Second, multiple providers can access individual patient records, and have complete histories as they provide care to new patients. A national database of medical records, encouraged and supported through grants and loans, is not far off. The issue, of course, will be security.

2. Telemedicine is becoming more accessible

Millennials want much more control over their health and the care they receive. As well, they are impatient and do not like the disruption that comes with making doctors’ appointments and getting treatment for what are non-serious conditions/illnesses. They prefer internet-based visits on their own time.

Another important innovation of telemedicine is improved healthcare in rural areas. With established digital connections with larger urban-based facilities, rural providers can transmit patient data and get the guidance they need from specialists that do not exist in their facilities. Video monitors can also virtually put specialists at bedsides with other physicians. Data from these activities is already demonstrating that lives are being saved.
3. Big data and artificial intelligence usage is going mainstream

Now that technology allows the mining and synthesis of medical information and data from sources the world over, that data can be churned and categorized, resulting in several major improvements:

Providers can use data to develop better patient profiles and risk factors. This can drive both current and preventive care.
Machine learning software is being developed that can be used to churn current treatment data and predict the future effectiveness of those treatments. Much of this software is open source, so that collaborative initiatives can occur. Healthcare professionals can also access tools and resources like MOOCs to stay updated in their medical field or something like a bls certification to brush up their general first-aid skills and meet the extremely strict quality standards of the constantly evolving sector.
There is already great promise for the use of predictive analysis through data and machine learning, to analyze disease outbreaks and patterns and to predict demographics and geographical risk factors. Moving advanced care to these can both prevent outbreaks and lower overall costs.
Reduction in provider costs. Hospitals, for example, can use data analysis to predict re-admission rates of patients and times of months and year of high and low demand. This can drive staffing decisions and demand on facilities, lowering infrastructure and administrative costs too. It is possible that hospital and other provider costs can be reduced significantly over the next several years.
4. IoT devices and robots will improve the care quality

This is an exciting and potentially cost-savings innovation. Already, patients are wearing devices that monitor heart rates, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Companies like Mentone Educational are making more medical IoT devices like electronic stethoscopes and goniometers easily available to educational institutions. This field will continue to grow, as providers continue to increase their ability to monitor their patients remotely. This will save costly office visits when they are not necessary or alert providers to conditions that warrant immediate care and treatment.

Another innovation exists in the area of robotics. While still in experimental stages, there is great promise. One of these experiments is the robot DaVinci – a surgical tool that can be used to gain greater precision and smaller incisions. Future possibilities are endless – robots may indeed provide many of the activities of nurse aids.

These four trends hold exciting promise and opportunities for patients, providers, and the healthcare insurance industry. But with all of this promise comes a huge risk – security. And technology has had a hard time keeping up with the cybercriminals who are quite adept – Just ask Experian or the IRS. A potential solution lies in blockchain technology, and some healthcare providers are already experimenting with it.

2018 is sure to bring many new innovations in the healthcare industry. And millennials are at the forefront, challenging the status quo and pushing the limits.

4 Innovative Ways New Media Is Disrupting Healthcare 4 Innovative Ways New Media Is Disrupting Healthcare Reviewed by Unknown on January 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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