Meet Roy Moore’s Jewish attorney. He campaigned for his friend, Doug Jones.

Richard Jaffe, a prominent defense lawyer in Alabama, represented Senate candidate Roy Moore’s son Caleb in a drug-possession case in 2016.

But Jaffe wasn’t a part of the conservative firebrand’s Senate campaign. Nor is he close to the family. In fact, Jaffe campaigned for the Democrat in the race, Doug Jones, a close friend of his for 30 years.

So Jaffe, who is Jewish, didn’t know what to make of a defensive comment made by Moore’s wife, Kayla, the night before the state’s hotly contested special election in December, that “One of our attorneys is a Jew,” as an apparent response to accusations of anti-Semitism.

“My reaction to that, irrespective of who they were referring to, was rather shocked,” Jaffe said in a phone interview. “I was certainly disturbed. Not personally, but as a member of a minority.”

Jaffe wasn’t alone: The episode drew jeers and criticism from a wide range of observers as the campaign neared its final stretch.

Jaffe says he doesn’t know whether Kayla was referring to him, although dozens of people sent clips of the remark and stories about the ensuing controversy, assuming it was him.

“I don’t know if they were referring to me or not, I really don’t,” he said. “All I know is that there have been a lot of people and news organizations trying to identify that person, the Jewish lawyer. They haven’t been able to yet.”

‘One of our attorneys is a Jew’: Kayla Moore’s proof that Roy Moore is no anti-Semite]

Besides the legal connection — the charges against Caleb Moore were dropped in 2016 after he agreed to enter a diversion program — Jaffe would be a strange reference point for the Moores. He said he did not have a personal relationship with Roy Moore, although he has known the former judge for about a decade professionally in the relatively small legal world in Alabama.

“I’ve never socialized with him,” Jaffe said.

Jaffe said he has known Doug Jones for 30 years, during which they worked together on numerous cases as lawyers in Birmingham. Jaffe was the master of ceremonies when Jones was inducted as a United States attorney in 1997. And during his friend’s Senate run, he handed out fliers, made phone calls and donated and raised money for the campaign.

Jaffe said he was standing next to Jones when his surprise victory over Roy Moore was announced and said he plans to attend Jones’s swearing in on Wednesday in Washington after being invited to a seat in the gallery of the Senate chambers.

“We’re pretty close,” Jaffe said. “We’re in frequent contact.”

Jaffe said he did not discuss Kayla Moore’s comments with Jones, figuring Jones had more pressing issues on which to focus.

Meet Roy Moore’s Jewish attorney. He campaigned for his friend, Doug Jones. Meet Roy Moore’s Jewish attorney. He campaigned for his friend, Doug Jones. Reviewed by Unknown on January 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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