Michael Wolff’s Trump book: The latest in a career of controversy

Last February, as the Trump presidency was just lifting off the ground, CNN’s Brian Stelter invited media critic Michael Wolff onto his show “Reliable Sources” for some awkward on-air chitchat.

Wolff had taken shots in a recent Newsweek column at the media’s “apoplexy” over the 45th president, specifically calling out Stelter for delivering on his show each week, in the writer’s words, a “pious sermon about Trump’s perfidiousness.”

“I hope I pronounced that right,” Stelter joked for a gawky transition. “Do you feel my style is wrong or my substance is wrong, trying to fact check the president?”

Michael Wolff’s Trump book: The latest in a career of controversy Michael Wolff’s Trump book: The latest in a career of controversy Reviewed by Unknown on January 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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