The elongated fruit which is usually in a curved form is an edible fruit with soft succulent flesh.
Apart from the fact that people eat bananas because of its sweet taste, there are so many health benefits from just eating them.
An average banana which is about 126 grams contains 110 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrate, a gram of protein without fat, cholesterol and sodium. It also provides a whole of vitamins and minerals in different varieties.
From fighting against depression to fighting cancer, and helping pregnant women with morning sickness.
The banana does have many advantages.
Here are the health benefits of including bananas in your daily diet
1. Depression
Ever wondered why a banana is called the happy fruit. Not just because it looks like a wide smile but because it contains a high level of tryptophan which is converted into serotonin a brain neurotransmitter which put people in a happy mood. It helps to fight depression.
Banana also regulates blood sugar and produces enzymes which relieve stress.
2. Helps Digestion and cures constipation
Bananas are rich in pectin which helps indigestions.
It produces digestive enzymes which help to take in nutrients and also removes toxins from the bloodstream.
It also acts as a prebiotic which stimulates the growth of good bacteria in the bowel which helps to fight constipation.
3. Cancer
Bananas have a high level of vitamin C that aids in the reduction of the formation of free radicals which is known to cause cancer.
Healthy Eating
Why you should include banana in your daily diet
Olugboyinwa Ajomale | 20:19 | 31.10.2017
Apart from the fact that people eat bananas because of its sweet taste, there are so many health benefits from just eating them.
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Bunch of bananas
Bunch of bananas (
The elongated fruit which is usually in a curved form is an edible fruit with soft succulent flesh.
Apart from the fact that people eat bananas because of its sweet taste, there are so many health benefits from just eating them.
An average banana which is about 126 grams contains 110 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrate, a gram of protein without fat, cholesterol and sodium. It also provides a whole of vitamins and minerals in different varieties.
From fighting against depression to fighting cancer, and helping pregnant women with morning sickness.
The banana does have many advantages.
Here are the health benefits of including bananas in your daily diet
1. Depression
Ever wondered why a banana is called the happy fruit. Not just because it looks like a wide smile but because it contains a high level of tryptophan which is converted into serotonin a brain neurotransmitter which put people in a happy mood. It helps to fight depression.
Banana puts you in a happy mood (
Banana also regulates blood sugar and produces enzymes which relieve stress.
2. Helps Digestion and cures constipation
Bananas are rich in pectin which helps indigestions.
Banana helps digestion (
It produces digestive enzymes which help to take in nutrients and also removes toxins from the bloodstream.
It also acts as a prebiotic which stimulates the growth of good bacteria in the bowel which helps to fight constipation.
3. Cancer
Bananas have a high level of vitamin C that aids in the reduction of the formation of free radicals which is known to cause cancer.
Banana helps to prevent cancer (Healthyreaders)
They are also rich in fibre which helps to reduce the risk of kidney and colorectal cancer.
This risk of a child developing Leukemia is also reduced if bananas are given to a child in the first two years after being born.
4. It reduces high blood pressure and heart diseases
Bananas are also very rich in Potassium which plays a huge role when it comes to blood pressure. The presence of potassium helps in the reduction of high blood pressure.
The presence of fibre, potassium, vitamin C and B6 content in bananas help to reduce cardiovascular diseases. Eat more bananas to avoid having a heart attack.
Healthy Eating
Why you should include banana in your daily diet
Olugboyinwa Ajomale | 20:19 | 31.10.2017
Apart from the fact that people eat bananas because of its sweet taste, there are so many health benefits from just eating them.
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Bunch of bananas
Bunch of bananas (
The elongated fruit which is usually in a curved form is an edible fruit with soft succulent flesh.
Apart from the fact that people eat bananas because of its sweet taste, there are so many health benefits from just eating them.
An average banana which is about 126 grams contains 110 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrate, a gram of protein without fat, cholesterol and sodium. It also provides a whole of vitamins and minerals in different varieties.
From fighting against depression to fighting cancer, and helping pregnant women with morning sickness.
The banana does have many advantages.
Here are the health benefits of including bananas in your daily diet
1. Depression
Ever wondered why a banana is called the happy fruit. Not just because it looks like a wide smile but because it contains a high level of tryptophan which is converted into serotonin a brain neurotransmitter which put people in a happy mood. It helps to fight depression.
Banana puts you in a happy mood (
Banana also regulates blood sugar and produces enzymes which relieve stress.
2. Helps Digestion and cures constipation
Bananas are rich in pectin which helps indigestions.
Banana helps digestion (
It produces digestive enzymes which help to take in nutrients and also removes toxins from the bloodstream.
It also acts as a prebiotic which stimulates the growth of good bacteria in the bowel which helps to fight constipation.
3. Cancer
Bananas have a high level of vitamin C that aids in the reduction of the formation of free radicals which is known to cause cancer.
Banana helps to prevent cancer (Healthyreaders)
They are also rich in fibre which helps to reduce the risk of kidney and colorectal cancer.
This risk of a child developing Leukemia is also reduced if bananas are given to a child in the first two years after being born.
4. It reduces high blood pressure and heart diseases
Bananas are also very rich in Potassium which plays a huge role when it comes to blood pressure. The presence of potassium helps in the reduction of high blood pressure.
The presence of fibre, potassium, vitamin C and B6 content in bananas help to reduce cardiovascular diseases. Eat more bananas to avoid having a heart attack.
ALSO READ: Top 7 foods that lower blood pressure
5. Diabetes
An average banana gives about 3 gram of fibre.
Eating banana is a good fruit for diabetic patients. For patients with the Type 1 diabetes, they need to consume high-fibre and bananas are rich in fibre.
Also, patients with type 2 diabetes tend to have an improved blood sugar level and insulin level when they eat more of bananas. One medium banana provides about 3 grams of fiber.
6. Diarrhoea
People lose a lot of electrolyte in their bodies like potassium when they have diarrhoea. Banana helps to regain all the potassium loss. Banana is a good treatment for diarrhoea
7. Boost the sex drive
Bananas contain an enzyme called bromelain, which helps to boost the sex drive and also helps to combat impotency in men.

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