Hallucinations After Taking Tamiflu: How Much Is Real Versus Not Real?

perception of reality that much? Tamiflu is a neuraminidase inhibitor, a class of drugs that can inhibit the reproduction of the influenza virus and thus when taking it early enough, may possibly potentially reduce the severity of flu symptoms. (Possibly potentially because there is still debate on how effective neuraminidase inhibitors such as Tamiflu and Relenza really are.) Let's check what's listed under the Warning and Precautions section of the Tamiflu label:

Serious skin/hypersensitivity reactions: Discontinue TAMIFLU and initiate appropriate treatment if allergic-like reactions occur or are suspected.
Neuropsychiatric events: Patients with influenza, including those receiving TAMIFLU, particularly pediatric patients, may be at an increased risk of confusion or abnormal behavior early in their illness. Monitor for signs of abnormal behavior.
Hmm. Is the second bullet point like saying, "patients with influenza, including those who have eaten pizza..." or can Tamiflu actually cause confusion or abnormal behavior? In other words, is it the flu or the medication?

Well, the Allen, Texas, case is certainly not the first report of hallucinations after taking Tamiflu. For example, Bonnie Rochman in 2012 wrote for Time about her 9-year old son having nightmares, running around the house, convinced he was being chased, and babbling. Then, there's the Daily Mail headline: "Tamiflu turned my children into hallucinating, sobbing wrecks." Also, a case report appeared in Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience describing a 22-year-old male who suffered "mood swings, suicidal feelings, auditory hallucinations, memory deterioration, and insomnia after taking oseltamivir." But what got the FDA's attention in 2005 were reports of over a hundred cases of hallucination, delirium, confusion, and other abnormal behaviors and 12 deaths among children in Japan after they took the medication. As Andrew Pollack wrote for the New York Times, this included the following:

Two boys, one 12 and one 13, jumped from the second-story windows of their homes after receiving 2 doses of Tamiflu. Those boys survived, but Japanese news reports have told of two teenagers taking Tamiflu whose death may be attributable to suicide. And an 8-year-old boy had frightening hallucination and rushed out of his house into the street three hours after his first dose.

As Debora MacKenzie noted for the New Scientist, such events prompted a ban of using Tamiflu for teenagers in Japan. (The drug was original approved for use in the U.S. in 1999 and Japan in 2000.) This move was not without its controversy as some argued that such abnormal behaviors (or "neuropsychiatric adverse events") were still rare and could have been due to the flu (e.g., influenza encephalitis). For example, the makers of Tamiflu, Hoffman-La Roche (held by Roche), published their assessment in Drug Safety, which concluded that "the available data do not suggest that the incidence of neuropsychiatric adverse events in influenza patients receiving oseltamivir is higher than in those who do not, and no mechanism by which oseltamivir or oseltamivir carboxylate could cause or worsen such events could be identified." The events in Japan also motivated the FDA to conduct a safety review of Tamiflu and conclude the following:

Review of the available information on the safety of Tamiflu in pediatric patients suggests that the increased reports of neuropsychiatric events in Japanese children are most likely related to an increased awareness of influenza-associated encephalopathy, increased access to Tamiflu in that population, and a coincident period of intensive monitoring adverse events. Based on the information available to us, we can not conclude that there is a causal relationship between Tamiflu and the reported pediatric deaths.

Hence the wording on the Tamiflu label.

So, how real are the risks of taking Tamiflu? While behavior issues don't seem to be common, it is unclear what the actual risk may be. Harlan Krunholz, MD wrote previously for Forbes about how a Cochrane review of studies on the efficacy and safety of Tamiflu found that "the manufacturer of the drug sponsored all the trials and the reviewers found evidence of publication and reporting biases." He added that "With so much at stake I was surprised that there had been no prospective, placebo-controlled trials conducted that were funded by an independent source." Looks like more independent scientific studies may be necessary before making more definitive conclusions about the safety of Tamiflu.

Hallucinations After Taking Tamiflu: How Much Is Real Versus Not Real? Hallucinations After Taking Tamiflu: How Much Is Real Versus Not Real? Reviewed by Unknown on January 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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